What Was No Longer Is Things change, sure. The seasons change and life goes on and I’m sure this is easy for you to grasp and even welcome. However, one way we each get caught or stuck is in the things that we don’t think will change, the things we expect will stay the same. [...]
November 2012

Generally I like to talk about things that are deep or esoteric, but today I’m having to touch upon something you already know. This holiday season I want you to consider your richness. I like to speak of ‘riches’ as pertaining to more than money; richness are the things that enrichen you life, the things [...]

Yesterday early in the evening my friend asked if I’d want to drive back into town to go hit some amazing Black Friday sales. My answer was ‘I bought a refrigerator, a stove, a house, an airplane ticket and a boat ticket!’ meaning that I’m all spent. Now let me put this in perspective… This [...]
Her outer world is so perfect you might be jealous. She is an equal in her partnership, has a business or career and a family, yet our modern woman is longing for more. How does she do it all? How does she make the money, have family, the love and the looks? Or is this picture [...]