I just saw the movie “Mirror, Mirror” with Julia Roberts. I’d hoped to like this snow white re-told better than I did, but at least the movie offered a new spin on the mirror’s image. In this classic tale of magic, the evil step-mother queen has a magical mirror that speaks to her. She uses [...]
April 2012
<img class="alignleft wp-image-1342" style="margin: 3px;" title="buy cheap cialisDSC03576″ src=”https://coachmaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/DSC03576-300×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”180″ height=”135″ />Judge This Life is often filled with less problems that it seems. Often times we add to our own challenges through our assumptions and judgments. How often have you been talking with someone and stopped listening half way through? Have you jumped to conclusions [...]
<img class="alignleft wp-image-1343" style="margin: 3px;" title="DSbuy cialisCF0226″ src=”https://coachmaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/DSCF0226-300×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”180″ height=”135″ />Esoteric Living Today’s focus on authenticity is for the brave and courageous. No doubt you have heard the saying that 80{190ddf92b19a0b55afa437f78e0f7e787522d08ca8a7333c414d56892339eed8} of the world is asleep and that the other 20{190ddf92b19a0b55afa437f78e0f7e787522d08ca8a7333c414d56892339eed8}… Well, they see the world differently, experience different things and have a different experience of life. It [...]
I’ve noticed things changing for a few people in my meditation group. Opportunities that had previously been desired, but impossible to hold like wind, now seem to be showing up at the doors of their lives with flowers. When we shift an energy in ourselves we can, and often will, experience a change so dramatic [...]
Decide to see things anew: whether it is an old car you still have to drive or an old issue with someone. When we see things from a new perspective we leave our old grudges and our old feelings behind, right? Well, these are “old”, not authentic. Choose to see things again from the eyes [...]
Notice that your needs, dreams and what’s important to you are all avenues to your authenticity. When we take people on journeys, even when they have come to the last journey or a meditation class, they always need to re-connect with their selves and their authenticity. We all do. This includes re-connecting with our needs, [...]
Yesterday we spoke about guidance in life coming thorough our own experience of what is important to us. Look at your life. What is most important to you? If you were to transition now (die), what would be significant to you?
Look to your own guidance system of importance. Life is set up for us to succeed. There are many ways in which life tries to guide, direct and nudge us along. One of these methods of guidance comes to us through what is important to us. Once we are wise enough to distinguish between what [...]
Integrity -In The Age of Authenticity, Integrity is about knowing who you are, what you need & living accordingly Spend some time with yourself. There are three kinds of people: people who like to spend time alone because they don’t know how to relate well with others, people that can’t stand to be alone and [...]
Authenticity Quote: “The biggest advantage to being authentic is that it is like a guide or a beacon which will never lead us astray. When we can be honest with ourselves about who we are and what we express then we will also find ourselves in the flow.“ Where do you fall? Are you a [...]