Her outer world is so perfect you might be jealous. She is an equal in her partnership, has a business or career and a family, yet our modern woman is longing for more. How does she do it all? How does she make the money, have family, the love and the looks? Or is this picture only skin deep? Are there more wrinkles to her life upon a more intimate look?
It is the Age of Authenticity, an age whose energies are here to help us tap into our own authenticity. This also means that it is a time when dreams will come true, because in our dreams we are living who we see ourselves to authentically be.
In our dreams women- and men- can have it all. But I’m not seeing it all. I’m not seeing it at all. Whether it is women I know in my life, clients, friends, acquaintances, colleagues or family, or women I don’t know that I see in the media, I’m seeing women living in outer worlds that are fragile; glass lives of sorts.
A Glass Life
We’ve all heard about a glass house, but today a glass house in your life might be a good thing in comparison to a glass life. After all, the house might break and be disappointing, but the loss is limited. The shattering of a glass life would be devastating.
It has become common for women to be the breadwinners in the family or at least bring more money home that their partners. While we live in a first world country, most of us ladies are running a home, raising a family and running a business. The ironic part is that many third world countries always had maids and help in the home. Many women I know, whether they are cleaning their homes themselves or not, are living more like a slave to life, myself included. Generally speaking we don’t have regular help at home, we send our kids to daycare or school and aftercare and we work hard to get ahead at work.
Yes, on the surface we have it all, but it often seems to be held together by a thin string. For many women a crack in their glass lives has become a larger threat to who we are. Loosing work would mean losing our power in our lives or our relationship, though fifty years ago women weren’t working, so this is not where power or authentic feminine power comes from. If our children become rebellious or alienated from us, we are beside ourselves and deeply embarrassed that a primary relationship in our lives is not what it should be. Finally, if our relationship is unsatisfying or filled with spats, regardless of our sexual orientation, we feel empty inside. Who we are is easily threatened pointing to a lack of authenticity.
Are You Being Your Authentic Self Or Are You Trying To Do Your Life Right?
On the one hand, women have advanced and changed drastically in the last fifty years. We have stood up for ourselves and proven that we didn’t have to submit to anyone, thus being our own person. But when I see women in today’s world I see a lot of women with outer worlds that doesn’t resemble their true persons. I see women exhausting themselves and sacrificing quality time with their children and partners in exchange for the false sense of power that work and money bring. I see women trading in the time to bring great joy and pleasure into their lives in exchange for doing it all. So, on the surface we have it all, but in our hearts to we feel it at all?
A Woman’s Heart
The feminine gender flow is such that we are all about quality and tend to be emotionally based. We have all grown up in a traditionally male-dominated world, and this one is quantity, technologically, academically and mentally based. These are what make up the yin and yang, two sides of the same coin with different faces that then make a complete whole. This would look a lot more like we are having it all.
But that is not the world we live in. The greatest gift of femininity lies ungifted, waiting for us women to change the world and bring it back into balance. You see, while women are having it all on the surface, I don’t see happy and fulfilled women. I don’t see women enjoying their lives and knowing that they have lived the richness of life. Instead of trying to live a life of quantity, a life with it all, our gift to the world will be the quality of it all.
The Age of Authenticity is said to be filled with gloom and doom, but in a lot of ways it is already a good descriptor for life today. The challenged economy can easily threaten our way of life; our children, who we aren’t raising and spending quality time with, are growing up in the most challenging times yet. We are getting older and fatter and, while worse disasters can still strike, living under constant threats means that we are living easily-broken glass lives.
In this age and with us women feeling more empowered to lead our own lives, it is time to assess the landscape of our lives and begin to allow ourselves to be who we truly are. Now is the time to find our true strengths, which can neither be threatened nor taken from us. It is time to create our inner worlds, the place within us that creates worlds of love, joy and connection. It is time to feel as though we can spend our time doing what we prefer and keeping the company of those we love.
Our feminine gift as women changes everything we do, although it doesn’t mean we have to quit our jobs. It means that when we are true to our hearts and our gifts then we will re-define and value achievement as what we be and how we experience life. We will focus on how things impact our lives positively and give importance to what feels good and loving, not just what can be done. There will be an air of pleasantness around us that others will become enchanted by, and our greatest enchantment will be with ourselves when we re-define our dreams based on what will fill our hearts, which will, in turn fill our lives.
Her outer world is so perfect you might be jealous. She is an equal in her partnership, has a business or career and a family, yet our modern woman is longing for more. How does she do it all? How does she make the money, have family, the love and the looks? Or is this picture only skin deep? Are there more wrinkles to her life upon a more intimate look?
It is the Age of Authenticity, an age whose energies are here to help us tap into our own authenticity. This also means that it is a time when dreams will come true, because in our dreams we are living who we see ourselves to authentically be.
In our dreams women- and men- can have it all. But I’m not seeing it all. I’m not seeing it at all. Whether it is women I know in my life, clients, friends, acquaintances, colleagues or family, or women I don’t know that I see in the media, I’m seeing women living in outer worlds that are fragile; glass lives of sorts.